Questions from Gaza’s Children

The following list of questions come from the children of Gaza, all of which have been asked of Palestine Trauma Centre (UK) staff over the last year.

Please note that some readers may find the following list distressing, but we feel that this list needs to be seen.

بعد ما نموت راح اسمع صوتكم
After we die, will I hear your voice?

لمي اموت بحطوني بالقبر عند بابا ولا ماما
When I die, will they put me in a grave with my mom and dad?

لما تشتي الدنيا راح نغرق بالخيمة؟
When it rains, will we drown in the tent?

لما يقصفوا الخيمة راح ننحرق ؟
When they bomb the tent, will we burn?

ليش دايما بقصفونا ؟
Why do they always bomb us?

لو قصفوا حدا وانا ماشي جنبه معقول استشهد؟
If they bombed someone while I was walking next to him, would I be martyred?

لمي يجي الصاروخ علينا بنحس فيه
When a missile hits us, will I feel it?

لمي ينزل الصاروخ علينا بنحس بوجع ولا بنموت علي طول
When a missile hits us, do we feel pain or die immediately?

بديش اموت أشلاء
I don't want to die in pieces

الكلاب التي أكلت جثث الشهداء هل ستتحول إلى إنسان
Will the dogs that ate the dead bodies of the martyrs turn into humans?

 هل تنبت للأطفال سيقان غير التي بُترت؟
Do children who have their legs amputated grow new legs?

ليش الولد مغطين وجهه وفي دم ؟
Why is the boy's face covered in blood?

متى بدنا نموت عشان نرتاح من القصف و اليهود.
When will we die and get rid of the bombing and the Israelis?

هل للطياريين الذين يقصفون الأطفال أطفال؟
Do the Israeli pilots who bomb children have children?

- كل يوم بتحكوا بكرة راح تخلص الحرب .
Every day you say that tomorrow the war will end.

كم سنة النا بالحرب ؟
How many years have we been at war?

بدي أروح على الجنة عشان هناك ما في خوف و لا حرب و فيها كل الحاجات.
I want to go to heaven because there is no fear or war, and it has everything.

متي بدنا نبطل نحمل ونقف طابور علي المي الحلوة والمي المالحة
When will we stop waiting and standing in line for fresh water and salty water?

متى بدنا نرجع عالمدرسة ؟
When will we go back to school?

متي بدنا نستقر بغرفتنا ويرجعو النازحين علي بيوتهم
When will we have our room back and the displaced people return to their homes?

وقتيش بدها تخلص الحرب؟؟
When will the war end?

متى ينتهي الدمار و الموت
When will the destruction and death end?

If you are able to help us in this regard, please consider donating towards our emergency appeal.

Palestine Trauma Centre (UK) is a UK based charity that works to provide adults and children living within the Gaza strip with access to psychological support and mental health services.

Funds donated to our emergency appeal will be used to provide direct relief to the population of the Gaza strip, to support the reconstruction and restoration of our services within the Gaza strip or to provide staff training and remuneration to our team on the ground in Gaza.

Palestine Trauma Centre (UK) is a registered UK charity (1133560) with the Charities Commission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and is registered with the Fundraising Regulator.


Never forgotten | PTC(UK) Volunteers Killed in Gaza