On the inside, From the inside

Photographs of Conflict, Resilience and
a Brighter Future.

This exhibition was originally commissioned by the Palestine Trauma Centre UK to mark the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, enabling members of the PTC team in Gaza, as well as friends of the charity, to share insight into their lives 'from the inside'. Now, 75 years on, they find themselves dealing with a new crisis of devastating proportions.

The photographs in this exhibition tell a story of survival and resilience before the events of October 2023.

The gallery is a collaboration between the Palestine Trauma Centre (UK), support workers based in Gaza as well as local Palestinian photographers. It has been curated by friends of the charity in the UK.

Are you ready to see behind the curtain?

Navigating the Gallery

Our gallery exists in a virtual world where you are free to explore at your own pace and at your own time.

To walk around the exhibition:

  1. Move the cursor anywhere in the window and hold down the left mouse button.

  2. Keep the left mouse button held down and use the and buttons on your keyboard to move forwards and backwards*.

  3. With the mouse button still pressed, gently move the mouse left and right to rotate your field of view.

* If you prefer, you can push the mouse forwards and backwards to move. You will need to release and re-press the left mouse button in order to drag yourself forward.

A Curated Experience

Want to be shown around the exhibition by our curator?

Let our digital guide help you around the gallery, showing you the exhibits in the order defined by our team of curators.

To access the curated tour:

  1. Click on the menu button and select ‘Start Tour’.

  2. You can pause the tour by clicking on the menu button at any time and resume once again by re-selecting ‘Start Tour’.