What We Do
PTC(Gaza) was set up in 2007 in Gaza City to help train therapists in mental health skills. It was also a referral centre for those with mental disorders and PTSD symptoms. The support group, PTC(UK) was set up in 2010.
A helping hand
PTC UK provides support and training on the ground in Gaza both in-person and via technology, ensuring that help is never too far away.
Research work on this was conducted by Dr Mohamed Altawil at the University of Hertfordshire in 2011. He also received training in Family Therapy techniques which were then passed on to the Gaza team. Later, Dr Guido Veronese from the University of Milano Bicocca trained the team in Gaza in Family Therapy.
A Focusing Project was started in 2009, led by Jerry Conway, Mary Jennings, Lina Geha and later René Veuglers. Mohamed Altawil and later Ghada Radwan in Gaza became Focusing trainers. This was the first Focusing project in the Arab world and has become part of a Birmingham University research project called Rights4Time.
A street entertainment and therapy project called Friday of Joy was set up in 2014. This became Days of Joy in 2021 when funding allowed for more events during a week to be organised.
Many article and reports have been written on these projects. Dr. Mohamed Altawil has followed up his original research with another report.
View: The Effectiveness of Therapeutic Methods (2018) (PDF 816 KB)
Since 2019, the therapy team from PTC(Gaza) has transferredto Nour el-Marifa under the supervision of PTC(UK) and PTC(Gaza) has ceased to exist as a recognised organisation.
Our aims continue to be:
Delivering Therapeutic Approaches to Children and Families in Gaza.
Supporting Resilience in Traumatised People.
Connecting with the U.K., Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, the U.S.A. and the Arab World for Specialist Psychological Training & Supervision.
We do not support any political or religious group, but seek to relieve trauma.